Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas
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Возьму на постоянную кормежку 10 человек:
Прямислава =Nix=*Lane*Piper BernadotteLibertyAmsentarea
EnchieАллораKagetsuyaМилашка ЛуFelliciaLilscorpioo
Всякие бяки ~350 = 0 альтов Q __ Q
Фениксы ~150 = 0 альтов
Хеллоувинские леупаки ~450 скелетиков и полосатиков = 9 13 альтов О_о О_О $_$ *__* T__T не передать всю гамму чувств

Пока никого нет :)

@темы: Смешанная кормежка, Vital

31.10.2010 в 23:06

'I don't regret anything, and I think the action of regretting is meaningless. I mean, you can't change yesterday, you can't change tomorrow, the only time you can change is now.'
01.11.2010 в 17:27

The only price you have to pay is to leave this world behind
01.11.2010 в 20:32

'I don't regret anything, and I think the action of regretting is meaningless. I mean, you can't change yesterday, you can't change tomorrow, the only time you can change is now.'
01.11.2010 в 23:45

u t i p u t i ツ
бяки с ника utiputi
фениксы с Fellicia
02.11.2010 в 00:53

"Angels, they fell first but I`m still here..."(c)
02.11.2010 в 15:45

The only price you have to pay is to leave this world behind
02.11.2010 в 17:31

Женщина, не вынуждай меня применять ласку и нежность||Всему виной мои сиськи с дерзкими сосками||Lingua latina non penis canina||Per rectum ad astra||Я же атаман идейный. И все мои ребята, как один, стоят за свободную личность
02.11.2010 в 23:29

u t i p u t i ツ
02.11.2010 в 23:37

"Angels, they fell first but I`m still here..."(c)
03.11.2010 в 14:36

Женщина, не вынуждай меня применять ласку и нежность||Всему виной мои сиськи с дерзкими сосками||Lingua latina non penis canina||Per rectum ad astra||Я же атаман идейный. И все мои ребята, как один, стоят за свободную личность
03.11.2010 в 18:34

The only price you have to pay is to leave this world behind
03.11.2010 в 23:18

"Angels, they fell first but I`m still here..."(c)
05.11.2010 в 15:23

The only price you have to pay is to leave this world behind
06.11.2010 в 23:44

"Angels, they fell first but I`m still here..."(c)
07.11.2010 в 15:26

"Angels, they fell first but I`m still here..."(c)
07.11.2010 в 17:28

The only price you have to pay is to leave this world behind
07.11.2010 в 20:55

Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas
Всего 10 кликов бякам осталось ^^ Я не верю в то, что там есть альты, но спасибо всем))
09.11.2010 в 19:01

The only price you have to pay is to leave this world behind
09.11.2010 в 21:31

u t i p u t i ツ
поели вчера и сегодня
11.11.2010 в 15:19

The only price you have to pay is to leave this world behind
11.11.2010 в 16:15

'I don't regret anything, and I think the action of regretting is meaningless. I mean, you can't change yesterday, you can't change tomorrow, the only time you can change is now.'
что-то ник не узнаю... кого кормлю...:upset:
13.11.2010 в 14:58

The only price you have to pay is to leave this world behind
13.11.2010 в 18:47

'I don't regret anything, and I think the action of regretting is meaningless. I mean, you can't change yesterday, you can't change tomorrow, the only time you can change is now.'
13.11.2010 в 20:06

u t i p u t i ツ
14.11.2010 в 19:00

The only price you have to pay is to leave this world behind
14.11.2010 в 20:05

u t i p u t i ツ
14.11.2010 в 20:13

'I don't regret anything, and I think the action of regretting is meaningless. I mean, you can't change yesterday, you can't change tomorrow, the only time you can change is now.'
15.11.2010 в 19:47

Женщина, не вынуждай меня применять ласку и нежность||Всему виной мои сиськи с дерзкими сосками||Lingua latina non penis canina||Per rectum ad astra||Я же атаман идейный. И все мои ребята, как один, стоят за свободную личность
16.11.2010 в 00:35

'I don't regret anything, and I think the action of regretting is meaningless. I mean, you can't change yesterday, you can't change tomorrow, the only time you can change is now.'
16.11.2010 в 17:26

The only price you have to pay is to leave this world behind

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