'I don't regret anything, and I think the action of regretting is meaningless. I mean, you can't change yesterday, you can't change tomorrow, the only time you can change is now.'
'I don't regret anything, and I think the action of regretting is meaningless. I mean, you can't change yesterday, you can't change tomorrow, the only time you can change is now.'
'I don't regret anything, and I think the action of regretting is meaningless. I mean, you can't change yesterday, you can't change tomorrow, the only time you can change is now.'
'I don't regret anything, and I think the action of regretting is meaningless. I mean, you can't change yesterday, you can't change tomorrow, the only time you can change is now.'
'I don't regret anything, and I think the action of regretting is meaningless. I mean, you can't change yesterday, you can't change tomorrow, the only time you can change is now.'
'I don't regret anything, and I think the action of regretting is meaningless. I mean, you can't change yesterday, you can't change tomorrow, the only time you can change is now.'
*Lane* Да не говори! Захожу на сайт, а там никого.... Небось сбежали все, едва меня завидев))))
Времени сегодня не было. Только вот домой вошла)))
Шикарная авка)))
оть они)
(с акка Дельфин)
Спаибо, сейчас покормлю Ваших)))
Ваших тоже покормила)
теперь буду отписываться, а то каждый день кормить не могу, скорее всего только по выходным((
Рэна Сайто пасиб)))